Dietary Supplement Name with Function Presentation will be Forbidden

In order to avoid the misunderstanding caused by the function presentation in the dietary supplement name, and in accordance with the supervision requirements of dietary supplements in the new Food Safety Law, CFDA released a Notice on Further Stipulates the Dietary Supplement Naming on 27th August, 2015.
The Stipulation in the Notice
1 Dietary supplement which declares the function in the name will be unapproved by CFDA from now on.
2 Applicant shall apply the product name alteration before 31st December, 2015, if the approved dietary supplement contains function presentation in the names.
3 Dietary supplement with function presentation in the name will not be allowed to be produced since 1st June, 2016.
Based on the statistics, more than one thousand approved domestic and imported dietary supplements in China need to apply the product name alteration before 31st December, 2015 , which will cause significant influence on product distribution in Chinese market. Dietary supplement manufacturers who have involved products are recommended to take action at the earliest.
In fact, the Notice was issued to revise the Regulation named Stipulation on Dietary Supplement Naming, as function presentation in the product name is allowed to be used in the previous regulation. Meanwhile, dietary supplement manufacturers are still encouraged to focus on the Forbidden Description List in the previous regulation that is still valid.
Forbidden Description List
S.N. Type Examples of descriptive terms
1 Deceptive "Ancestral(祖传)", "Secret(秘制)", "Purified(精制)" and so on
2 Exaggerated "Special effect(特效)", "Treasure(宝)", "Magical effect (神效)" and so on
3 Grade "Best(最)", "Champion(第一)", "High-grade(高级)" and so on
4 Prevention and curing of diseases “Prescription(处方)”, “Medicine”, “Cure(治疗)” and so on
5 Personal name “Hua Tuo(华佗)”, “Bian Que(扁鹊)”, “Shizhen Li(李时珍)” and so on
6 Region “China(中国)”, “Huaxia(华夏)” and so on
7 Difficultly understood “Nanometer(纳米)”, “Gene(基因)”, “Space(太空)” and so on
8 Superstitious “Sex(性)”, “God(神)”, “Immortal(仙)” and so on
9 Body organ “Brain(脑)”, “Eye(眼)”, “Heart(心)” and so on
10 Misleading Homophonic words , Words which are similar in form
Contact us
Ms. Wing Yu, Food & Health Products, CIRS China
11F Dongguan Building, 288 Qiuyi Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China, 310020
Tel: +86 571 8720 6538 | Fax: +86 571 8720 6533

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