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UK REACH: Alternative Transitional Registration model (ATRm)
On May 16, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) launched a public consultation on UK REACH, which remained open until July 25.
The Alternative Transitional Registration model (ATRm) for UK REACH has been devised in response to the UK government’s impact assessment, which was published in 2023 and estimated that registering substances under UK REACH would cost industry £2 billion by 2030.
The consultation sets out proposals to reduce costs for businesses moving from EU to UK REACH with reductions to duplication of data. It also contains proposals to introduce further protections against unnecessary animal testing.
The ATRm specifically focuses on the submission of data for transitional substances – this covers substances that were “grandfathered”, New Registration for Existing Substances (NRES), or included in a downstream user import notification (DUIN).
United Kingdom
UK REACH: Alternative Transitional Registration model (ATRm)
United Kingdom
UK REACH Registration Deadlines Extended by 3 Years
On June 28, 2023, the UK published the REACH (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (No.722) which extends the legislative deadlines for registrants to submit information by three years. The REACH (Amendment) Regulations shall enter into force on July 19, 2023. That is to say, from July 19, 2023, there will be new transitional periods and dossier submission deadlines will be extended to October 27, 2026, October 27, 2028, and October 27, 2030, based on different tonnage bands.
United Kingdom
Trade Compliance
UK REACH Registration Deadlines Extended by 3 Years
United Kingdom
Trade Compliance
UK REACH Registration Deadlines Might be Extended by three Years
With the first UK REACH submission deadline (October 2023) approaching, the UK government has released a consultation on extending the current submission deadlines. According to the consultation results published on November 29, 2022, 82% of respondents selected to extend the deadline by three years.
United Kingdom
UK REACH Registration Deadlines Might be Extended by three Years
United Kingdom
The Latest UK REACH Update - Supplier Requirements
As we continue on the journey through UK REACH CIRS has gained invaluable practical experience. Since the beginning of UK REACH CIRS has become the Only Representative for 600+ clients globally we have also completed 500+ DUIN, assisted UK clients by Grandfathering 70+ registration, and completed the Full registration of 20+ substances on behalf of our clients. Over the last year, this experience coupled with the continuous communication with the HSE has allowed us to remain up to date with all the developments and nuances of the UK REACH requirements. CIRS would like to share the information we have gathered to date as well as the latest information that has come out from the HSE in recent weeks.
United Kingdom
The Latest UK REACH Update - Supplier Requirements
United Kingdom
The Latest UK REACH Update - DUIN Update and the NRES Process
As we continue on the journey through UK REACH CIRS has gained invaluable practical experience. Since the beginning of UK REACH CIRS has become the Only Representative for 600+ clients globally we have also completed 500+ DUIN, assisted UK clients by Grandfathering 70+ registration, and completed the Full registration of 20+ substances on behalf of our clients. Over the last year, this experience coupled with the continuous communication with the HSE has allowed us to remain up to date with all the developments and nuances of the UK REACH requirements. CIRS would like to share the information we have gathered to date as well as the latest information that has come out from the HSE in recent weeks.
United Kingdom
The Latest UK REACH Update - DUIN Update and the NRES Process
United Kingdom
The Latest UK REACH Update - The UK REACH System Revision
As we continue on the journey through UK REACH CIRS has gained invaluable practical experience. Since the beginning of UK REACH CIRS has become the Only Representative for 600+ clients globally we have also completed 500+ DUIN, assisted UK clients by Grandfathering 70+ registration, and completed the Full registration of 20+ substances on behalf of our clients. Over the last year, this experience coupled with the continuous communication with the HSE has allowed us to remain up to date with all the developments and nuances of the UK REACH requirements. CIRS would like to share the information we have gathered to date as well as the latest information that has come out from the HSE in recent weeks.
United Kingdom
The Latest UK REACH Update - The UK REACH System Revision
United Kingdom
The Latest UK REACH Update - Tonnage Band Thresholds
As we continue on the journey through UK REACH, CIRS has gained invaluable practical experience. Since the beginning of UK REACH, CIRS has become the Only Representative for 600+ clients globally. We have also completed 500+ DUIN, assisted UK clients by Grandfathering 70+ registration, and completed the Full registration of 20+ substances on behalf of our clients. Over the last year, this experience coupled with the continuous communication with the HSE has allowed us to remain up to date with all the developments and nuances of the UK REACH requirements. CIRS would like to share the information we have gathered to date as well as the latest information that has come out from the HSE in recent weeks.
United Kingdom
The Latest UK REACH Update - Tonnage Band Thresholds
United Kingdom
Government to Open UK REACH Consultation
The Government has announced it is re-opening formal consultation on the future of UK REACH. DEFRA has committed to exploring alternative arrangements for the UK REACH transitional registrations in order to support chemical businesses whilst upholding the highest standards to safeguard public health and the environment.
The UK is committed to a robust regulatory system for the control of chemicals which ensures the UK’s high levels of environment protection, underpinned by the Environment Act. The announcement also makes it clear a consultation will look for opportunities to reduce the need for industry to replicate existing EU REACH data.
United Kingdom
Government to Open UK REACH Consultation
United Kingdom
CIRS to Speak at UK REACH Article 26 and IUCLID Software Online Clinic
The UK REACH Article 26 and IUCLID Software Online Clinic will be hosted on 10:00am – 12:30 am Wednesday 17 Nov. 2021. Mr. Dean Winder from CIRS Europe is invited, as one of the speakers, to speak at the meeting.
United Kingdom
CIRS to Speak at UK REACH Article 26 and IUCLID Software Online Clinic
United Kingdom
DUIN Still Available Post October 27th Deadline
Since the beginning of UK REACH the HSE as the governing UK REACH authority has maintained open communication with the chemicals industry to ensure that companies can continue to operate in the UK and remain compliant with the regulations. With the deadline for DUIN (27th of October 2021) now passed the HSE has shared further updates for companies who may have missed this deadline for their substances. As has been made clear by the HSE, the DUIN will grant a tonnage band dependant Grace Period to companies that complete it, suspending the registration obligations during that time.
United Kingdom
DUIN Still Available Post October 27th Deadline
United Kingdom